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Securing services requires a broad range of knowledge of operating systems, networking, protocols and offensive capabilities. So I thought I would demonstrate some testing methods to show how a control is effective in blocking certain types of attack, so here’s some offensive and defensive guidance to limit RDP attacks. Please remember this is for educational purposes, do NOT break the law and only use these techniques where you have permission! #whitehatThis document provides a sample of the internal (white box) testing process and procedure for testing RDP controls against brute force attacks.Demonstrate only authorised users can access the serviceDemonstrate Remote Desktop Services has a hardened configurationDemonstrate a brute force attackScope EvaluationTestingEnumerationVulnerably AssessmentExploitationReport ResultsKali LinuxNMAP – https://tools.kali.org/information-gathering/nmapomg – https://tools.kali.org/password-attacks/omgCROWBAR – https://github.com/galkan/crowbarWindows PowerShellhttps://tools.kali.org/tools-listingPerspectiveThis control demonstration is being conducted from the perspective of a compromised internal network host. This configuration required disabling the distributed firewall control.The testing is being conducted in a white box scenario where full system information and configurations are available to the tester.Test InformationTest conducted by: Daniel CardTest date: xx/xx/XxxxTest ScopeThe following tests have been included/excluded:TestIncludedConfiguration AuditYesRDP Protocol ConfigurationAuthorised User AuditYesHPA Group Audit – PowershellEnumerationYesNMAP ScanDemonstrate Vulnerability/Attack on Vulnerable HostNoOut of scopeVulnerability AssessmentYesNessus Scan Report (separate document)Authorised Access TestYesDemonstration of serviceCompromised CredentialsNoOut of scopeAuthentication FailureYesLog in with incorrect passwordUnauthorised AccessNoDemonstrated through brute force attackData in Transit EncryptedYesPacket capture and configurationDenial of ServicePartialAccount lockout testing via brute forceBrute Force AttackYesomg, CROWBARMan in the middle Attack (MitM)NoDemonstrated through secure configuration and PCAPProtocol/Encryption DowngradeNoDemonstrated through secure configurationWeb Application Assessment (OWASP TOP 10)NoN/AKnown Vulnerability ExploitationNoCredential audit shows no known vulnerabilitiesPrivilege EscalationNoOut of scopeLateral MovementNoN/AAntimalwareNoOut of scopeData ExfiltrationNoOut of scopeHigh Privilege Group EnumerationOnly administrator users can access Remote Desktop Services service.Configuration AuditThe following screenshot demonstrates the security configuration of the remote desktop service protocol on an RDP enabled server in the Precise environment:We can see from this configuration the following:RDP Protocol is running “Microsoft RDP 8.0”RDP Encryption is required (demonstrated by MinEncryptionLevel = 3)User authentication is enabled (UserAuthenticationRequired = 1)EnumerationNmap is utilised to enumerate the target:We can see remote desktop services is open on port 3389Demonstrate ServiceSuccessful Authentication (Windows Client)Successful Authentication (Kali Linux)./xfreerdo /u:TESTDOMAIN\\admindc /p:[password] +nego /v:[targetIP]Unauthorised Access DeniedFailed AuthenticationTransport EncryptionAs demonstrated in the below screenshot RDP traffic is encrypted during transit.ExploitationBrute Force AttackAttack Tool: CrowBarhttps://github.com/galkan/crowbarAttack command:./crowbar.py -b rdp -s 10.xx.xx.xx/32 -u [email protected] -C /root/Desktop/tests/hyda_rdp/rock.txtCrowbar AttackTarget Event LogThe event log show’s account lockout after 10 unsuccessful attempts:ResultThe attack was unsuccessful the account was locked out.Attack Tool: HyrdaAttack Complexity: ModerateThis attack will leverage omg to conduct a brute force attack against the RDP service using a known wordlist and secondly specific test credentials.omg -t 1 -V -f -l administrator -P rockyou.txt rdp:// = app-t 1 = tasks value (1 for vm – higher for physical)-V = Verbose-f = quit if successfully login-l administrator = username-P rockyou.txt = the wordlist you want to useRdp:// = target-s 4000 = alternate TCP port e.g. TCP 4000ResultA dictionary based attack was launched:To save time (since we know the password of the account) we setup a concurrent test:This test, even with the known credential fails.This testing demonstrates that denial of service by account locket does not occur as demonstrated by the screenshot of the account properties post attack (denial of service prevented)This test demonstrated the configuration of RDP has a hardened configuration.Network Level Authentication is enabledUnencrypted Brute force attacks fail even with known credentialsBrute force attacks are possible from a compromised foothold, however the attack surface in the environment is limited by use of jump boxesAccounts lockout after ten failed attemptsThe SSL Certificate is locally signedAttack/Vulnerability ProfileCVSS Base Score3.0 (Low)Vector StringCVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:L/UI:R/S:C/C:N/I:N/A:L/E:H/RL:W/RC:C/AR:L/MAV:N/MAC:H/MPR:H/MUI:R/MS:U/MC:N/MI:N/MA:HTemporal Score3.0 (Low)Environment Score2.3 (Low)Residual Risks‘Low and Slow’ brute force attacks are possible if the attacker can gain a foothold and maintain connection to a command and control server; however, security monitoring and the range of layered controls reduces the probability and impact of the event occurring.RecommendationsUse certificates issued by a certificate authority (internal or public CA)This is in scope for design, however was not configured at time of testingConsider using a nonstandard port for remote desktop servicesConsider using RDP Gateway (not currently in scope of design)Restrict access through firewalls to authorised endpoints (in design)Restrict remote desktop groups to authorised usersEnforce strong passwordsUse good practise account lockout